Sunday, October 10, 2010

New Book Covers

A reviewer on Amazon complained they found my horror collection in the children's section. Of course this sparked off a mini freak out by me so I went running to Kindleboards for advice.  Peoples over there reassured me I hadn't somehow messed up the categories (Amazon confirmed it today) but it was mentioned that my cover didn't match the content. Also, the description wasn't very, well, descriptive.

So I went looking for a new cover. While I was at it, I had an eye out for a new cover for my fae stories too. Finding a cover that matches the content of the flash fiction is hard so I went with something I thought was creepy enough and am hoping for the best on the description.

The new stuff is still uploading to Amazon but the covers are already showing. Thought I'd show them here. Mostly to give me a new post. ;)  I know I'm not exactly . . . half way to good at book covers but I bought some images (from people on Dreamstime who actually have talent - credited on the title page btw) and hopefully the whole thing isn't entirely awful.  I'm going to pay someone to create a cover for my novel.  One day.  If it ever makes it out of my laptop alive.


  1. Both of those covers are fabulous! Appropriately creepy and mystical. Nice job!


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