Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Baby Girl Finally Arrived

My fifth child arrived on Saturday. (Thankfully, she waited until after her big brother's birthday.)  After all the waiting she made me do, she decided to rush into the world with one push before the ambulance could even pull over. She weighed in at 9lb 8oz and is turning out to be the calmest, most placid newborn ever. She's also the most beautiful little chubster I've seen in a while.

We came home two days ago and I haven't even started catching up on things, I'm just enjoying being a new Mammy in love again. I took this picture this morning while we were waiting for the big, bad nurse to arrive with her needle. I have about a million baby photos to sort through already!

Anyway, I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things but I think I'm going to make the most of having a newborn around for a little longer first.  They grow too fast to risk missing a moment.  :)
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  1. Thanks Mary! Obviously I agree ;)

  2. Lovely little girl! Big babies are usually calmer, too.

  3. Thanks Kae - she's incredibly calm, even in the midst of my chaotic household. :)

  4. She's so precious! What a wonderful blessing. I'm so glad she's healthy.

  5. I'm late as usual! CONGRATS to you, your family, and your sweet little addition! Soooo cute! :)

  6. Thanks Susan - never gets old :D


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